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How does Default product sort -> "ordering" work?

Started by Meton, March 07, 2017, 10:21:28 AM

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Hi Gents,

I am struggeling a bit with ordering my products. Maybe someone can help me out with this. What does the option "Default product sort orde -> Ordering? How can i influence the ordering of the products?

Kind regards,

Joomla!         3.6.5
VirtueMart     3.0.18


Ordering = the order you set the products within the category in the backend admin

This enables (by category) to sequence the products how you want them to appear in the frontend for that category

If you set default sort to ordering - that is the sequence in which they will be displayed

The column REORDER is the sequence products for this category will be displayed in if ORDERING is set in config.

Lowest number to highest number

Joomla 4.4.5
php 8.1