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Shipping costs not being added to "Total"

Started by jlabuelo_sm, December 01, 2016, 14:40:17 PM

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Hi there
we are using virtuemart 3.0.18 and we have realized what we think might be a bug. When a customer selects a cart and pays it, and this order made, includes shipments costs, these shipment costs are shown in the cart/order summary, but the Order Total Ammount is not including the these costs.

In the screenshot atacched, you can see an order wich base price is 93,3€ and shipment costs are 5,2€.... but the total ammount applying the 21% of taxes should be 119,18€.... however is only 112,89€ whic is the total with taxes if the amount of order would be only the 93,3€.

It is like virtuemart is not adding shipment costs to the Total + taxes value... and this affects also the order summary, but also the invoice produced which also only shows 112,89€.

Are we doing something wrong?

In the virtuemart_orders table I can see that we have fields

order_total : 112,89€
order_salesPrice: 93,3€
order_BillTaxAmmount: 20,685€
order_subtotal: 93,3
order_tax : 19,593€
order_shipment 5,2€
order_shipment_tax 1,092€

I see that order_total sould be:
order_total = order_salesPrice + orderBillTaxAmmount;
order_salesPrice = order_subtotal + order_shipment;

I see that the order_BillTaxAmmount is ok, but the order_salesPrice is not considering the order_shipment vaule.

How can I fix it? which file should I modify?

Thanks a lot.


Hi There
I can see that almost 30 people checked this post. Is there anyone that is also finding this issue?. Any ideas about how to solve it?

Thanks a lot in advance!