Install address needs different VAT to Bill To address - EU MOSS VAT rules

Started by Mike_zz9, July 18, 2016, 16:17:17 PM

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We need to be able to use the VAT rate on one address and the Bill To in another. This is because of EU VAT MOSS rules which means we have to bill the customer according to the VAT in the country where we deliver the service and he may have given us a payment details from another country (eg holiday home or employee based abroad etc).
I had thought to use a Shipping address with "Location" nickname - the Bill To for payment would work but the VAT rate would be wrong.
So put the Location details in Bill To means VAT would be correct - then put real Bill To in a shipping address nickname "Billing" but then the payment module and VM (and other Joomla modules like Artio VM) would not find it so the payment won't be processed.
Any suggestions?
Currently we use an old Joomla/VM (2.5.28 / 2.6.22) and are trying to upgrade to Joomla 3.6 and VM 3.0.14 but this "payment address different to VAT address" is one of the blockers to the development.


Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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Thanks for the suggestion. It looks as if this extension uses geolocator. Our issue is that in the case where a customer orders a service from the UK for delivery to his holiday home in France (eg). His payment details are UK and his geolocation is UK but we need to identify FR VAT. It also happens that (for support reasons) we need to know his service location (in FR) so we need to store that as a full address. And next month, when we sell him next month service, we again need to use UK payment details but FR VAT so VM will need to "know" which address to use for which purpose. ATM, for repeat purchase, we have some code which uses location country to calculate the VAT but uses the Bill To to process payment.
I can't see any VM config or extension which allows VM to know two addresses for the billing process.
So maybe the scenario could be create a third address Location (extra shipping address for shopper) and use that to drive the Shopper group?


Just for clarification:-
You have 2 addresses billing and "ship to"

You want to calculate the VAT on the "ship to" address

For repeat purchases you want to use the "ship to" address for VAT calculations

You do not discuss how many countries you need to do this for?

Do your customers need to register and be accepted by you before they can  buy the service?

This may be a possible way forward:-

Setup shopper groups for the countries
Setup the tax by shopper group
Assign the customer to the relevant shopper group

It is a shame because old VM1 used to have a configuration for tax to use vendor/bill to or shipping address. (it did have many other less favourable functions though :-)  )

Joomla 4.4.5
php 8.1


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Thanks for your advice, all. This has helped us with the VAT issue (now resolved). We are still looking at how to store the third address - either VM custom fields or a ship to address with defined nickname.


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