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Featured Products

Started by perryworld, July 08, 2016, 11:45:49 AM

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We have added the featured products module to our home page at but it only displays the image, model and price.
How would we add the short description to the display.

Also, When we view the site on the iPhone it squashes the products onto the page and the "buy now" buttons overlap.
Is it possible to get each product to be displayed below each other.

Thanks for any help


Studio 42

Thanks to give more informations(theme, Joomla, VM releases).
Most of this are styling problem And to change the render for Featured Products, this is in the mod_virtuemart_product/tmpl files.
So for your display bugs, this is most solved on adding a new CSS rule.
But if you have buy the template, perhaps the developper can update the code for you ?


If you don't expect customers to buy more than one watch of the same type, you might consider removing the quantity box and the plus/minus.
Would save some space and you can keep the products in a row for longer especially if you reduce the padding at the side of the buttons in smaller resolutions.
Otherwise it might look a bit empty around the one product.

Stefan Schumacher - VirtueMart Invoice Layouts

Please use only stable versions with even numbers for your live shop! Use Alpha versions only if you know what risk you are taking.


Thanks for the reply,

We are mainly wanting to edit the "Featured Products" template to show the short description as well as price and model no
Do you know which file we would need to edit to achieve this.

Any help would really be appreciated



The VirtueMart Products module template to override is modules/mod_virtuemart_product/tmpl/default.php  - unless your template already used overrides.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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