vmError: renderMail get Template failed: Could not load default template style

Started by chaldama, March 11, 2015, 22:15:06 PM

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Hi Milbo,
Thank you, I just updated and will check if this resolves the problems.
Regards Marloes


Problems solved, everything is working fine again.
Thank you very much Milbo!


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No both the issues are solved, the error vmError: renderMail get Template failed: Could not load default template style is gone as well and all payment methods send confirmation mails again.


Should I fix your bug, please support the VirtueMart project and become a member
Extensions approved by the core team: http://extensions.virtuemart.net/


Hello dears,
I've the same two problems:
1. IPN doesn't work (Paypal sent me an email to inform me that the IPN notification fails)
2. the error "vmError: renderMail get Template failed: Could not load default template style" appears in my administration. I use J2.5.28 and yagendoo template (2 template styles (copies) of the Yagendoo template).

I've tried both with vm 2.6.17 (as suggested by Milbo and vm 2.6.22 (the last available 2.6.x), but the two problems persists.

Please, do you have any advice?
Thank you in advance!


Ah... let me add a detail. But I don't know if it has something to do with my problem (maybe with problem 1?)
The IPN url notified by PayPal in the email is
whilst the url proposed in VM docs for IPN is

So... the one that is currently used has "&lang=it" in addition.
Note that I've not configured the first url in my PayPal admin page. I think it is automatically notified by my website to paypal during the buy process.

Thank you!