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1146 error with payment redirect

Started by Funtshirts, June 24, 2016, 12:19:00 PM

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Hello guys,

I've been really really stupid and tried sh404sef again :(. And now im getting the following error when you get redirected to the payment environment (see screenshot)
Something happend and i dont know what..
I've tried everything..
- repair tables with virtuemart
- restored website with akeeba
- reinstalled ccideal
- reinstalled sh404sef en uninstalled again.
- repair and optimise tables in phpadmin

while its clear sh404sef caused something since everything was working perfectly and within ten minutes with installing and uninstalling sh404sef my site got messed up.
Really really hope someone can help me out :|

Im using CCideal
joomla 3.5.1
virtuemart 3.0.17
php 7.0.7

Studio 42

Try to remove all sh404 plugin, especially system plugin
The problem is that VMLANG is missing in the query #__virutemart_products_ should be  #__virutemart_products_en_en


Thanks for your help Studio 42


The problem i think was uncovered BECAUSE of sh404sef.

I had this problem 2 times. The first time it was because i had dynamic cache on (was even more a noob then i am now haha)

This time it was simply because his is simply a BUG. In my ajax cart module. It was not loading the Virtuemart configuration.

For anyone who wants to know, this can be fixed by adding VmConfig::loadConfig(); at line 21 of the file /modules/mod_virtuemart_ajax_cart.php:

defined('_JEXEC') or die('Direct Access to ' . basename(__FILE__) . ' is not allowed.');
echo '<p style=" background: #bcdebc; padding:5px;"><b>'.JText::_('WARNING_NOT_INSTALL_PLUGIN').'</b></p>';
return ;
if (!class_exists('VmConfig'))
    require(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . "/" . 'components' . "/" . 'com_virtuemart' . "/" . 'helpers' . "/" . 'config.php');

VmConfig::loadConfig(); <-------THIS LITTLE PIECE OF CODE

if (!class_exists('VirtueMartCart'))
    require(JPATH_VM_SITE . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'cart.php');

Credits go to the sh404sef support