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Possible to display long description on right of product image??

Started by shakir, January 23, 2012, 13:40:15 PM

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I'm looking at the link you sent me and nothing has changed. I can make it do what you want real quickly using firebug, just by changing those things quickly. So I'm not sure what you are missing. If you could update it on the link you sent me I might be able to help further.


See if this attached screenshot makes sense. Beer would be nice right now haha.

[attachment cleanup by admin]


Ah! I see what you did. I think you may have misunderstood me.
What I want is the main image on the left where it was and the name , price, ad to cart and description on the right


Yep, that is exactly what I was trying to do. Didn't work?


Just so others know. I sent Shakir a new product details override file that I had tweaked and it did the trick. If anyone else needs it, see attached.

Just have to drop it in to your /components/com_virtuemart/views/productdetails/tmpl folder
Then go to Virtuemart in Joomla backend and go to "Configuration" click on the "Templates" tab and change "Product Layout" to "productdetailsoverride"

[attachment cleanup by admin]


Im using VM 2.6.14  with joomla 2.5.8    I know this is an old post and ive tried everything here to get Long description to line up on the right side of image and still cant figure it out.  its been 4 days now can someone please help me.

Heres a link of how it looks now.


The site is incredibly slow to load, but that URL gives a 404. It looks like you are using a Gavick template so will have to edit whatever override files it uses.

Your Joomla version is insecure.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


Thanks Jenkinhill,  Ok i had a problem with Godaddy for it being slow, But i fixed that.  But going back to Description,  if you can or anyone please help me figure how to set long description right of image.  I tried using firebug and i still couldn't figure out what code to edit or where to add.  even though its 3rd party its still very similar. not that far off from being different. 
I have a link to page here.