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Error 404 product if not logged (Shopper group)

Started by NIKESLB, August 18, 2015, 12:39:25 PM

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Joomla version: 2.5.11
Virtuemart version: 2.0.20a

Hi. The website has virtuemart, virtuemart AIO and Virtuemart web service. I migrated it to my server and the products don't show anymore. What happen is if the user is not logged he will get an 404 error, but if I am logged I can see the products on each categories and see all product details. I have two shopper group, supposedly one for the user logged and another one for not logged who can't see the base price. Before the migration, everything worked fine, all the products could be seen by anyone, but not anymore.
How can i solve this? Please.

Studio 42

You speak for migration. DO you have upgrade virtuemart or changed only server?


Just changed the server, nothing else. At the home page the products still appear, but once clicked error 404 for users not logged. I am sure that the problem comes from shopper group. I could remove them, but I really need them to show diferent data.

Studio 42


Studio 42

Sorry, your release is to old to check the code.
Try to update to latest 2.6.x , perhaps this solve your problem.
The test is done in 10 minutes, to check if it work and if you don't have hacks and specific customfields, you have change it work

I remember you that your version have vulnerability


Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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