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vmError: when Virtuemart is trying to store invoices:

Started by jplw, April 04, 2012, 12:05:45 PM

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Which payment method are you using? I use ccIdeal, not Paypal.

I have great support from ccIdeal. They have made an new update and fixed the bugs...


My client opted to use Cardsave, which works flawlessly and so I have disabled Paypal as there are issues with it adding on additional VAT to the total. They had the plugin developed within a couple of weeks.


Quote from: Clocked0ne on May 16, 2012, 21:10:54 PM
My client opted to use Cardsave, which works flawlessly and so I have disabled Paypal as there are issues with it adding on additional VAT to the total. They had the plugin developed within a couple of weeks.

Is the newest version of Cardsave installed? Do they have a new version available?
Because you need also update the 3rd party extensions and Virtuemart Plugins.


I deal with error:

Warning: curl_setopt() [function.curl-setopt]: CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION cannot be activated when safe_mode is enabled or an open_basedir is set in /your_server_pathl/public_html/libraries/tcpdf/tcpdf.php on line 7543

by comment line 7543 (curl_setopt($cs, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);) in /libraries/tcpdf/tcpdf.php.

It helps to store invoces correctly.


I was having the same png image error and it is in the main vendor in the shop.  The main vendor logo can not be a png.


Should this still be happening? I updated an installation with the latest vm (3.0.84) yesterday, but still the same problem persists (payment invoices are returning the image error which stops the PDF from being generated, which stops the status being updated to 'confirmed', which stops the notification for my paypal payment plugin).

In testing after the update, the image logo for the payment plugin was saved. Previously I had gotten rid of the image (somehow, I can't recall), and things seemed to work. But on resaving the plugin parameters, it is impossible not to select an image.

Is there a way to have no image for the payment, so that at least the payment will work properly?

Thank for any tips.

edit - oops, my plugin isn't a core vm paypal plugin. We've hacked it to not output the image, so no probs.
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