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Discount shows on Customer Order info when there is no discount

Started by Anthweb1, March 26, 2015, 23:21:58 PM

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When I log into my account as a customer and view products that I have ordered in my order history, I notice it shows the unit price. I would think that most sellers do not want to shows this since this tells my customer the cost I get the product for as a seller. It also shows it on the email that my customer receives when they ordered the product.  How do prevent it if I want to. I'm guessing I have a setting wrong somewhere.

Also I noticed the email/ customer info page shows a discount to my customers when there is not one. It also adds the discount to the price instead of subtracting it which is strange. In addition, I see no discounts set up under my virtuemart settings.  Please give me your thoughts.

