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Add discount price in virtuemart products module

Started by pm4698, October 04, 2014, 23:06:37 PM

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Hello there.

I think title says it all.

How to add discount price to virtuemart products module?

I tried several stuff, with no result

Virtuemart: 2.6.10, joomla 2.5.x


All prices can be displayed in the VM default products module. If you are using a third party module or commercial template/theme then you should compare the code with the default module template.  Or ask the template developer.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


Ok i added a custom code that first compares basePrice and SalesPrice and if not equal, then i calculate discount in a variable as percentage and echo. Here is  this code:

$base = $product->prices['basePrice'];
                                $sale = $product->prices['salesPrice'];
                                $discount = abs($base - $sale);
                                $discountPercent = round((100*$discount)/$base,0);
                                if($discountPercent > 0){
                    <div style="width:70px;">
                        <div class="PricediscountAmount">
'<span class="PricediscountAmount">'.$discountPercent.''.'</span>';
