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Categories displaying at the top of front page, how do I remove?

Started by Nathan, September 25, 2014, 15:01:20 PM

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How do I remove the VM categories at the top of my homepage?

This stumped the folks that created the template I am using!  You would think there was some set up part in VM that would allow this.  Or is this hard coded somewhere?  The template developers think I should reinstall VM because there may be possibly a corrupt file.  But I am not certain that is the problem as everything else works fine. 

Before I do this, do any of you have some suggestions as to where I can look to change this?  The goal is to NOT have any VM categories at the top of my site.  Please see attached image.  The X over the image represents I want those removed.  The arrow point up, means I want the image currently underneath to move up to the top where the categories currently are.  Any advice is appreciated.

[attachment cleanup by admin]


Assuming that page is found using the VirtueMart "Home page"  menu link then just go to Configuration/Templates and under "VirtueMart Home Page Settings" deselect "Show Categories"
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


That worked on this page:

But not my home page:

I have a main menu (which has the default star) and the Menu item type is Featured articles (it has the default star).  Menu item type says "Articles » Featured Articles"

This diverts to an emglish page which is a single page article.  That is seen on my home page (not the /en for english)

I have attached my menu info.  Is it possible an old menu (I am not longer using) is the culprit?

Any other ideas or suggestions?

[attachment cleanup by admin]


If you are not using the homepage for Joomla articles that you wish to feature  such as news items the the homepage menu link should be simply to VM Hoomepage. Many commercial templates come with the a home menu item set to featured.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


I tried setting both the default Details Menu Item Type to VirtueMart » VirtueMart Front page   made sure vm, configuration,  VirtueMart Home Page Settings, show categories was off.  Tried a different browser to make sure it was not casche.  I am still seeing the categories at the top. 

Can we look at something else?  Maybe a file?  In the source it references: <ul class="VMmenu" id="VMmenu305_6334" >

I am not sure what that is or where I can go to delete it?