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"Stripping Down" VM + multiple domains

Started by mgonzaleswi, August 26, 2014, 23:57:03 PM

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So my question is really two questions. I have found bits and pieces of this information by searching the forum, but most of it was for VM 1.x and didn't exactly comply with my use case.

Scenario: We are creating mini "stores" as microsites for multiple different brands. End customers arrive to these microsites as a result of email and social media interactions. We would like end customers to be able to browse a product catalog, view ESTIMATED pricing, and select products (via an add to cart/add to quote) function to request a detailed quote.
- Do not want any payment or shipping methods or obvious placeholders for them, as this is a request for quote/proposal and a starting point for price. (I believe I saw that I would want to configure one method for both and then either delete or hide specific PHP includes?)
- I would prefer if there is no option to register, but this isn't a deal breaker. Because the interaction (quote request) is a one-way interaction I don't have a need for users to be able to browse order history/status, etc.
- All products are just-in-time fulfillment, drop ship, or print-on-demand, so I do not want inventory.
- Unlike some use cases presented, I *do* want to show estimated pricing, either as a range (preferred) or columned pricing based on quantity breaks (defined per sku) with a minimum order quantity (defined per sku). I am guessing that changing "Price" and "Total" to estimated price/estimated total would be a matter of modifying the template?
- I would like to be able to manage product catalog for all sites from a single login with a common URL structure for each domain's store (,, etc. I'm not worried about the number of subdirectories or the "tree" as long as the path to product1 is the same for all subdomains once you get past the domain). I'm sure VM doesn't "do" virtual domains/subdomains out of the box, but I know that the virtual domain plugin for Joomla exists. Don't know if anyone has experience with them playing together?
- Would like to be able to separate out notifications, so when an end customer completes "checkout", the "owner" (based on subdomain) is notified. So if an end user requests a quote on customerA's site, customerA is notified. same for customerB.

Anyone have experience with a similar/semi-similar use case with VirtueMart or know if this is within the realm of possibility without extensive custom/3rd party development?

