Joomla/Virtuemart: Vendor does not recieve order confirmation email

Started by EHM, March 04, 2014, 19:00:17 PM

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Having a minor, but persistant, problem with our Joomla/Virtuemart setup.

Joomla version: 2.5.18
Virtumart Version: 2.0.26d

Problem is that the vendor does not recieve a order confirmation email after an order has been placed, confirmed and paid. This email has to be sent to our vendor email in order for us to know that an order has been placed and need attention.

The customer recieved the order-invoice correctly, but the vendor need to recieve an order-invoice too.

Thanks in advance.

/ Kristian


First check settings for Default Order Status to send email to vendor in Configuration/Checkout.  You will find other things to look for  by searching the forum.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum



Thank you for you reply. Checked the settings mentioned, and email is setup to sent to vendor when order is 'pending' and 'Confirmed'.

I indeed have searched the forum for very long before posting, but without any luck in terms of fixing the issue on our site.

Any additional suggestions?

/ Kristian


Hello did you solve this? Suddenly I am having the same issue

Quote from: EHM on March 04, 2014, 20:33:57 PM

Thank you for you reply. Checked the settings mentioned, and email is setup to sent to vendor when order is 'pending' and 'Confirmed'.

I indeed have searched the forum for very long before posting, but without any luck in terms of fixing the issue on our site.

Any additional suggestions?

/ Kristian