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SEF suffix VM2 error - we can't build new sub categories

Started by gigiograndi, April 04, 2014, 10:45:10 AM

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Hy and sorry for my bad english

I'm here with a strange problem: we're building an auto parts ecommercewith VM2 and the super admin is filling the store with many many auto parts.

the structure is simple. Es.: MERCEDES BENZ (category)-> A180CDI (sub category) -> OPTICAL GROUPS (Sub - sub - category ) -> PRODUCT.

Now, under EVERY sub category (name and model of vehicle) there is the SAME sub sub category as OPTICAL GROUPS; after a week of filling, the core of VM2 doesn't permit to insert other sub sub with the same name associated at any vehicles: every passage seems to be fine but in the control panel we haven't any new sub sub category with the same name.

we've tried to change the sub sub with another es.: BULL BARS and everything goes right.

we found the problem in the SEF suffix. VM2 build the suffix as is es.: OPTICAL-GROUPS-54 and so on, giving for any identical suffix a number to make it exclusive as necessary for SEF

Anyone knows that bug?

VM2 2.0.26d

Joomla 2.5.19

Joomla SEO:
URL SEF: yes
Rewrite URL SEF: yes
Suffix URL: No
Alias Unicode: No

SEO: enabled
SEO suffix: -detail
Translate strings: yes
Use ID's product and category: No


Virtuemart builts the SEFs in the following way: Every category needs to have a unique slug. So if you create new categories and make it like say category name Mercedes Benz and you create a subcategory with the same name, VM adds something at the end of the slug (the part, which goes inside the url), to make it unique. So by default, VM does not allow to create categories with the same name twice or more in case of slug. But, there is no problem to create categories with the same name, it is just the slug, which is different.


Ok. tnx. But I don't understand our situation: after a lot of subcategories created with any problem (es.: Mercedes Benz -> A180 CDI -> CONDENSER and then Ford -> Focus 1.6 -> CONDENSER) in every case VM2 wrote the auto SEF suffix like that: condenser-45... condenser-123... condenser-78 and so on, why the stop now?


Ok! I found something:

when VM2 write the -detail suffix, if there is more than one identical sub category attached to any other (e.: FORD MUSTANG 66 -> CONDENSER and so FORD CAPRI 74 -> CONDENSER) the sub category is named (on the suffix) condenser-1, condenser-2 and so on. It seems like there is a limit number that VM2 assign to a suffix (es.: condenser-66) and the the stop!!!
we try to force anther number of suffix (es.: condenser-200) and it works.

Is there any code to modify to pass thi number limit?

tnx a lot for the interest