We run in multivendor mode and you did not set any vendor for TableVendor_medias

Started by pepitorr, March 25, 2014, 17:08:54 PM

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I'm a new user of virtuemart and i'm lost.
Virtuemart sais to me: We run in multivendor mode and you did not set any vendor for TableVendor_medias and #__virtuemart_vendor_medias but i can't find these tables and medias.
I put some new shopers like a sellers and i can login a a seller an create new articles.
But i want to create a menu that shows a categories and these categories shows a subcategories and i can't do it.
Help me please.
Sorry for my english.

Virtuemart 2.0.26d

K&K media production

shop configuratin

Enable Multivendor (experimental only for developers)

set this to "none"