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Help - How do I remove 'Rating : Not Rated Yet'

Started by SportsProtectionSystems, March 14, 2014, 15:49:24 PM

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Am new to VirtueMart 2.0.26.
I have created lots of products but beneath each graphic of the product I have the words 'Rating : Not Rated Yet'. I want to take this off.

I have searched through all sections of Virtuemart but there does not seem to be an 'off' button ?
Useful information :
a) I do not intend to have 'ratings' at all on the website (if this is relevant).
b) In the section Products / Reviews & ratings it is blank (have tried to add by clicking on New but nothing happens)

Any help greatly appreciated !


In Configuration/Shopfront under "Shopper Review/Rating System" set "Enable Review System for" to Disabled and "Show Rating " to None.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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