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Payment Fee Problems

Started by nickwiebe, February 28, 2014, 20:39:48 PM

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My site in a Joomla 2.5.8 and my VirtueMart is 2.0.22.

Up until about December 31st everything was working perfectly and I have not updated my Joomla or VirtueMart.  After the first of the year, my VirtueMart started adding a Payment Fee to the shopping cart on some taxable items.  They payment fee is sometimes the same amount as the tax and sometimes it's a random .87 cents, so some my taxable products are being double taxed or have this .87 cent Payment Fee which has basically shut down my store sales.  We use Avalara for our tax calculations and I have spoke with their team and the amount that is being submitted for tax doesn't include the processing fee, so they told me it was a VirtueMart problem.  On products that aren't subject to tax, the processing fee doesn't get added and like I said none of the orders we processed in 2013 had this issue, it's a recent bug.  I have compared the products that get this fee added to the products that don't on a side by side basis and there is no difference in setup.  I'm at my wits end here.  How can I completely stop payment fees from being added?

I really need help on this as soon as possible, as I said our webstore sales have completely stopped because customers are getting this rogue Payment Fee added in their cart with no explanation and I can find a way to make it stop adding the payment fee.  Here is a screen shot of where the Payment Fee shows up in my Cart:


No idea about this, nothing can suddenly happen without cause, usually a change in server or in site configuration or as a result of another module or plugin. But you are using old and insecure versions of Joomla and VM - some sites with those old versions have been hacked.....
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


Ok, I have upgraded my site to the latest version of VirturMart and now here is what is happening.

Add product to cart and all is well:

Add a BILL TO address and Avalara calculates tax which is good, but now a Discount/Fee: $346.50 appears next to both payment options that wasn't there before I added BILL TO address:

Select a payment method and it adds the $346.50 to the invoice, essentially doubling the tax:

I looked in my payment settings and for credit card there is no option to add an additional Discount/Fee.  There was an option in Paypal for a fee and nothing was in the box.  Tried it with an empty box and set it to 0 but still getting the Discount/Fee next to both payment methods...HELP


Ok, I have found the problem but not the solution.  I'm using a Paytrace module to process the payment.  This module doesn't have a setting available for Tax which means it applies the "Default Rule" and is adding the tax twice to my shopping cart.  I have tested this on two other modules that I have, Paypal and MES which both have a setting for tax.  If I leave these settings to Default they also create a payment fee equal to the tax, but when I sent them to "Apply No Rule" then they don't charge the fee in the shopping cart.

What I need is a way to add the tax setting to the paytrace module or I need to change the default tax rule to be "Apply no Rule".

My store is completely shut down until I can get this corrected, so any help would be much appreciated.


You had better ask whoever supplied the Paytrace plugin.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum