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virtuemart_parser.php: No such file or directory

Started by gRaViJa, February 19, 2014, 21:49:05 PM

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I have the strangest thing going on with VirtueMart: yesterday I noticed our webshop was offline (404) and it still is:

I checked the modules and for some reason virtuemarkt was deactivated. I'm 100% sure this happened automatically. Maybe because of a Joomla update (I have joomla version 1.5.26 now)?

So I decided to activate virtuemart but then the entire website becomes inaccessable and i get the following php error:

QuoteWarning: require_once(/home/zitstilb/public_html/components/com_virtuemart/virtuemart_parser.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/zitstilb/public_html/modules/mod_virtuemart/mod_virtuemart.php on line 25

I tried to figure out some thing in the options, but no change. So now the webshop is offline for 2 days and this is the most important function of the website!

If you want to check for yourself:

edit: did some more research, i think this error is because mod_virtuemart.php is a virtuemart 1.1 module... is it possible joomla automatically updated virtuemart from 1.1 to 2.0 and that's the reason of the error? if so, how can i revert back to 1.1 without losing any content and how can i prevent this from happening again?

edit2: Like I thought, I have virtuemart 1.1 installed with following mods:

However, the error that i get is produced by virtuemart 2.0 (as i read here: So, how on earth did this happen? I didn't want to go to 2.0, it just happened automatically and now my webshop is doomed...


Absolutly no clue. Vm1 cannot update to vm2 alone.
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