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Category Overview Layout overwrite don't work VM 2.0.26a

Started by Perino, January 07, 2014, 14:57:25 PM

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iam facing the problem that my category overview Layout overwrite wont work.

Files for overwriting are placed in

These files are then offered in the Backend of Virtuemart. But it seems that VM only focus on the default.php.
When I delete the default php, the system ends up in an Error 500 "Layout [Layoutname] not found", while
Layoutname is the name of the choosen Layout in the VM Backend.

Overwriting with productdetails in the same way, works perfect.

VM Version: 2.0.26a

Can anybody help?

Thank you!


If the categories already existed before you made the override then you have to set that override template under "Category Browse Page " for each category or it will use the default template set when the cat was added.

The Category Layout  setting in config/templates will be applied to each new category.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


JENKINHILL, that worked!

Great - thx for your quick solution.


Quote from: jenkinhill on January 07, 2014, 15:17:55 PM
If the categories already existed before you made the override then you have to set that override template under "Category Browse Page " for each category or it will use the default template set when the cat was added.

The Category Layout  setting in config/templates will be applied to each new category.