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(Solved) VM 2.0.24 update: Error Building Admin Menu

Started by trimixdive, November 14, 2013, 12:23:10 PM

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I just tyed upadte older VM2 verison (2.0.18) to lates. After updating by module manager btoh components (VM and AIO), I can not access Virtuemart in back end.  Erro message "COM_VIRTUEMART_MIGRATION_WARN_VM1_EXTENSIONS" appears.

I can acess Virtuemart AIO, but not VM itself.

After updating VM2 by module manager, no errors.

After updating AIO, there is one error: "Error Building Admin Menu"

Joomla version Joomla! 2.5.16
Admin template: Hathor

In frontend, if I been locked by admin, I have next error:

"Info: Your template settings are old, please check your template settings in the vm config and in your categories"

But because I cann't access VM itself, I can do nothing about this - is true?

In frontend Virtuemart works fine, no problem.

I have been found these instructions:

Not help, everything shows be OK.

Before correct updatating of VM2, I accidentally trued to update VM by updating tool. After it the problem stars and I updating VM2 by module manager, with this package:

What might be wrong? Thank you

GJC Web Design

Has your virtuemart component admin menu disappeared?
GJC Web Design
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No, I can see it in components menu as well as AIO. If i selcet Virtuemart, I have this blank error message:


I have test site, wich is identical (only many customer is missing because database is obsolute). In test site, everything works perfect after update.

Maxim Pishnyak

Quote from: trimixdive on November 14, 2013, 13:54:31 PM
I.e. "Attention: You have still old vm extensions in your joomla installation active, uninstall or disable them"
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I wonder why test site works nice but live site isn't. Test site is excatly same (but few moths older database version) as live site but it is working perfect, live site not. And all used / installed extensions worked fine with older VM2 wich version was 2.0.08 or alike.

I wonder can the solution be so easy. Both sites have exactly same extensions, same configuration ie (I checked it even from database), same versions ie.

How I can found older VM1 extension?


Somehow the older verion of the VM2 was still installed. I found two versions of VM2 in Module manager VM2 version 2.0.8 and VM2 version 2.0.18. I've just delete older version and installed newver again and now it works.  I wonder how this can happened (updating VM2 will not upodate / repalce insted make ne installation)?

Error message "Error Building Admin Menu" was correcy, error message "COM_VIRTUEMART_MIGRATION_WARN_VM1_EXTENSIONS" was totally uncorrect.