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Multilingual account creation -> 404 category not found

Started by Olivier67, November 03, 2013, 23:07:34 PM

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I set up a multilangual site with NL as main language en FR as second language.
All categories, products are managed in emagicone store manager for VM.
All menus are assigned and I have no errors on that part.

When a NL user wants to create an account all goes well. BUT: when a FR user wants to create an account I get a 404: Category not found.
When I go back to the frontpage, the user FR is created and confirmation email is sent as it should be.

The website is

Please help me out to avoid this annoying 404. I'm trying to fix this since 3 days, even rebuilding all categories.

VM: 2.0.24
Joomla 2.5.13

Thx, Olivier