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sub-categories showing up wrong products in frontend...

Started by quetschwurst, October 17, 2013, 09:39:15 AM

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I am very confused about this issue (joomla 2.5.14, VM 2.0.22a):
In one category there are 6 sub-categories. When i click on one of these sub-categories in frontend, there comes products which are NOT in this category, they actually belong to other categories!
In backend everything seems fine.
It's also remarkable that the SEF-URL in the browser is correct... But still wrong products...
When i turn SEF off in Joomla Configuration, the problem does not persist.

I would appreciate any hint that could help.


Are you using Joomla/VirtueMarts native SEF or something else?
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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Quote from: jenkinhill on October 17, 2013, 11:09:20 AM
Are you using Joomla/VirtueMarts native SEF or something else?

I use it's native SEF. And SEF is needed for the website translation things (we use G-Translate because we have parts on the website that can be google-translated and parts that need human translation).


I had to switch on the SEO option for product/category id in vm settings. don't know why it was switched off...  ::)  ???  ;D