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Change order of related products on product details page

Started by Menace, August 17, 2012, 20:17:07 PM

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Hi everybody,

I am struggling with tis issue for some days now.
I managed to display a products related products on it's details page below the discription in list style with one related product per row.

What I would like to achieve is to sort these related products by price. At the Moment it seems like they are sorted by sku.

I didn't find any kind of "Order by" code in the 'product_details.php' file concerning the related products output.

Any suggestions?


Did you ever get anywhere with this?  I am just trying to get my related products to match the order they are in on the product custom field page.


Hi Menace,

did exactly the same like you. I changed the related products in a one row product layout in details view.
I am also come to that point, to search for a way to sort that products by price.

It´s a rather old topic, may you find meanwhile a solution, which you perhaps would like to share with the forum? : )

Maybe there´s any other which came up with a sleek solution?

thanks for assist!