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Where the ^%$& do you set the email that gets notified of orders?

Started by pierre, September 11, 2013, 00:01:30 AM

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Ditto the subject.

And just to rant for a second...

I find the user interface of virtuemart VERY intuitive.   I look at the documentation and it isn't helpful at all. 

For example, I want to know where to go to change my store vendor information. Documentation says go to Vendor in virtuemart menu.  There is no vendor. 
In reality you go to Shop > Shop , and then by default you are on the vendor tab.   It would be infinitely better if ever single tab / view had a menu item.  Burying crap in crap just makes it hard to find.


I should mention that I am using Joomla 2.5.11 and Virtuemart 2.0.22

When I completed checkout I got an email "A new shopper XXXXXX registered at your shop"

However I cant find where you set the address for admin notification of sales.

I should also mention that this shop is a migration from Jooma 1.x and vm 1.09?  There were some problems during the migration.  None of the users details seemed to migrate.  They still have user accounts but none of their address information is there.

Dont know if this would impact it somehow.  I really need to get this resolved.


Order emails go to the Vendor address set in Shop/Shopper Information tab.

You should check that you have the correct settings for "Default Order Status to send email to vendor" in Configuration/Checkout, too.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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Maxim Pishnyak

Quote from: pierre on September 11, 2013, 02:52:30 AM
I should also mention that this shop is a migration from Jooma 1.x and vm 1.09?  There were some problems during the migration.  None of the users details seemed to migrate.  They still have user accounts but none of their address information is there.

Dont know if this would impact it somehow.  I really need to get this resolved.
Really you need to go with this into appropriate forum section.
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