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Sell an optional product with main product??

Started by neilwhit, May 29, 2013, 22:53:37 PM

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New to VM. Did a search and could not find answer, so thought I would ask.

We would like to add an option to some products with a dropdown, checkbox, etc. to allow a customer to buy an optional add-on product (sku) with the main product. In other words, if someone is looking at a coffee maker and decides to buy it, we would like an option to also buy the matching filter as an option. The filter is a regular sku, but we want it to also be available as an option when buying the main item.

We've done this routinely in other carts we've used, but cannot understand how to do this in VM2. Have added custom fields for colors, sizes, etc., but that does not seem to support adding another sku as an option. Can anyone give us some guidance?

Thanks in advance.

VM 2.012 and VM 2.0.20
Joomla v2.5.9


Joomla v2.5.9



Related Products is a different thing. The customer must first buy the initial item, then try to find the related item and buy that.

A common feature in most carts is to sell additional items as add-ons to the main product. For example, if you sell a coffee machine, you can have a filter as a paid option, or an extended warranty as a paid option.

Very common feature. Just can't find it in VM. Thought maybe there was an add-on.
Joomla v2.5.9
