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URGENT Template broken in IE in frontpage, categories and product details

Started by, May 24, 2013, 02:31:26 AM

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Hi everyone, I hope you can help me. I have this site and template breaks in IE only and only in frontpage, categories and product details. I have been using virtuemart for a long time in many sites and this is the first time it happens to me, but I have read in some posts that virtuemart sometimes gives this kind of problems with IE. As you can see right column moves underneath content and width of templates breaks.

I really appreciate some help as this needs to be fixed asap as client needs shop online very soon.

Thanks a lot.


Displays the same for me in IE10 and Firefox21  - if there are problems in older IE versions then look at the css box models you are using to style your template overrides. You may need to use IE version conditional css.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

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