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add to cart not adding product

Started by nebulasirius, May 15, 2013, 14:29:59 PM

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Hi the site

is working fine but the ad to card button and the chekout is not working

my joomla version is 2.5.11
and virtuemart version is 2.0.20b

the Using the VirtueMart jQuery is disabled.

hope i can get help

[attachment cleanup by admin]


Hello nebulasirius,

Do you make some test with Jquery to yes in your Virtuemart Configuration ?

Best regards


Yes, and still same problem. ( if Using the VirtueMart jQuery is ON  )


if i turn Using the product Scripts OFF

i will be forwarded to the checkout but there are no products 


For some reason you had posted in the old VM 1.1 section. This is being moved to the correct area.

Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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