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a VM page without content ?

Started by a77a77, March 05, 2013, 17:00:18 PM

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please i need your help!

I need to have a Home button to my site,
This button must be a VM page so I can used ¨custom filter component¨ .
but I will not like submit any content virtuemart, I do not want to present categories, products, brands .....
  I just need a  VM page without content , how I can do this?
what option in menu item type I should choose?

Thanks for your help!  ;)


use the frontpage link

and then edit the


remove all of this

<?php # Vendor Store Description
if (!empty($this->vendor->vendor_store_desc) and VmConfig::get('show_store_desc', 1)) { ?>
<p class="vendor-store-desc">
   <?php echo $this->vendor->vendor_store_desc; ?>
<?php } ?>

# load categories from front_categories if exist
if ($this->categories and VmConfig::get('show_categories', 1)) echo $this->loadTemplate('categories');

# Show template for : topten,Featured, Latest Products if selected in config BE
if (!empty($this->products) ) { ?>
   <?php echo $this->loadTemplate('products');
