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I'm getting Registration failed: Verification code not found.

Started by wonderland, January 07, 2013, 17:38:53 PM

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I wanted to check out how user registration works, so I tried to create a new user account.

At first everything was great, I filled in registration form -

and Received confirmation email.

But after pressing on "Please use this link to activate your account" I got redirected to index.php and also a error appeared "Registration failed: Verification code not found."

After enabling my test user in Joomla administration panel, for some time I saw "Invalid token" error, but after a while it disappeared, and I can now log in with my user.

I searched forum and there were few topics regarding this some suggested that it's a www prefix or lack of www prefix that is causing this problem, but those topics were written some time ago. Maybe this problem isn't present in newer versions.

Also at the moment I don't have domain to test with, so I'm using IP at the moment. -

I'm using Joomla 2.5.8 and VM 2.0.14

I didn't want to create a new topic, just for one qestion, but I wanted to ask why do I get redirected to internal server error 500 error page when I enter wrong user password ?