[SOLVED] base price <> cost price, but vendor and product currency are the same

Started by balage, November 27, 2012, 17:25:30 PM

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i have a "small" issue.
i'm using: Joomla 2.5.8, Virtemart 2.0.14
when i upgraded to version 2.0.12f the prices desappeard, but with the help of this forum i fixed that. Then i updated to version 2.0.14 and after that i found out that the base price and cost price in every product differs with 10euros. this can only be happen when vendor currency and price currency differs. But in my configuration:
vendor currency: EUR
vendor accepted currency: EUR
price currency in every product: EUR
how is this possible, and how can i fix that.

thx for the replies.

[attachment cleanup by admin]


sorry, i just found out what was the problem.
i had a standard preinstalled virtuemart calculation rule that i forget to disable...


Quote from: balage on November 27, 2012, 23:53:49 PM
sorry, i just found out what was the problem.
i had a standard preinstalled virtuemart calculation rule that i forget to disable...

Same problem here. Please let me know where is this calculation rule ... I've been searching and searching, and didn't find the solution ... it drives me nuts.
Thank you for sharing.
All the best!
PHP 5.2.17 - Joomla 2.5.8 - Virtuemart 2.0.16