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"Login or Register" hidden for registered users generates error after logging in

Started by angelo, November 26, 2012, 17:57:46 PM

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Working with VM 2.0.14 and Joomla 2.5.8
I am puzzling all day with the following and I sincerely hope that someone can help to resolve this.
I made a menu item called 'Login or register' what is hidden for registered users and used the Virtuemart Account Maintenance as Menu Item Type.
To do so  I made a new User Group called Guest (not registered) through the User Manager and created an access level also called Guest.
In the users configuration I changed the default value for the Guest User Group from 'Public' to 'Guest'.
If I now login as a registered user I get a 403 error. If I use a Joomla Login instead with the same access level I don't get an error.

Thanks for helping me out, pointing me out in the right direction.


Hi... this sounds simple... but is probably confusing me because i can't actually reproduce it.

can you create two different usernames and passwords from your site and post back for me to reproduce the error?

don't create a super admin... just the registered and the guest group or whatever is having problem.