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Wher did ps_cart.php go in VirtueMart2

Started by roxxyy04, March 26, 2012, 19:20:45 PM

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Does anyone know where ps_cart.php go in virtuemart 2?Or is it called different


what do you want to do?

and yes, there is no more "classes" folder.



I want to give the client the posibility to buy , lets's say 1,5 meters of fabric(basicly to add decimals to the product in the card) and i read this post and it works with older VM, i want to do the same with VM2

Thank you



explain further on how you want to set this up.

You might can get around this without hacking the core

Whats the minimum? whats the units?



I am making a curtains website, when  the costumer wants to order ,the minimal order is one square meters, he has to have the posibility to add to the cart for example
1,5 meters,and update the total price according to the new mesurement of the product
ex  1m2 = 1 usd
     1,1 m2 = 1,1 usd
now in virtuemart 2 if i write 1.3 or whatever with "," it just ignores it


why not use custom fields/product attributes for this?


Hy ,

I looked at attributes but i didn't see anything that can help me , because i do not have standard curtains measurements, they are costume made ,so the costumer can choose from 1,1 m2 to 100,99 m2 or whatever ...

But if you know and can give me an example with costum fields i am more than grateful



link me to a site that has the type of product configuration that you want



I am looking for the same file in the VM2, but cannot find it. I too need to implement decimals into my store. It is not possible by attributes. We have added the decimal already in the database, but I need to add the function also in the shoppingcart. Where do I do that? Any ideas?
