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Sort Products on the Product Display Page

Started by Kevin3068, October 08, 2012, 17:02:25 PM

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On the product display page (which I guess would be the category listing? Ie the products displayed when you enter a category) I would like to be able to sort them by several ways :

Name (Alphabetically)
Price Low To High
Price High to Low
When added

In other words, when it returns the default listing - I would like the shoppers to be able to sort / reorder the displayed results by highest to lowest price, lowest to highest price, most recent, etc.

Where do I modify this and how can I do so without having it break when there are automatic updates? Thanks.


My understanding of what you want to do is...

Configuration, then the "Product Order Settings" Tab
Choose your default Sort Order then below that are the available Sort By fields
My customers can now sort by either Creation Date, Product Name, Manufacturer or Price

As an aside I changed the text "Creation Date" to "Newest Products" using Extensions / Language Manager / Overrides.

Hope this helps!


I'm using VM 2.0.10.  How can I set the default sort by price to show highest to lowest instead of lowest to highest?