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Started by luisbls, September 25, 2012, 23:05:43 PM

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I´m beginner in virtuemart and joomla, I don´t know anything about php, html or css.

I´m making a web and I don´t know how I can put the button addtocart in grey. Now is green and big. I only want to change it to grey or white.

If I don´t use the virtuemart css the button is good for me because it turns grey, but all the products of the category appears in one column, if I use the virtuemart css I have three in each row but the button is green. I´m going mad!!!

I´m making my best effort so I would really apreciate your help.



In the end I did it!!

Thanks a lot for your help, I thought that in this forum you were smart and you replied. Like I said before I have no idea of php, css or whatever, and I finally found the solution. And I think that for someone with some knowledge this have to be easy, so it´s also easy to reply...

This is my solution, maybe is not so good but it works:

For changing the color of the button add to cart I had to change this lines in vmsite-ltr.css (line 50):

span.addtocart-button input.addtocart-button,span.addtocart-button input.notify-button{width:152px;background:#575357 url(../images/vmgeneral/backgrounds.png) top repeat-x;background-position:0 -160px;color:#575357;border:solid #575357 1px;border-radius:4px;-webkit-border-radius:4px;-moz-border-radius:4px;font-size:14px;cursor:pointer;height:34px;text-align:center;letter-spacing:1px;padding:4px 5px;}
span.addtocart-button input.addtocart-button-disabled {width:auto;background:#575357 top repeat-x;border:solid #333 1px;border-radius:4px;-webkit-border-radius:4px;-moz-border-radius:4px;font-size:14px;cursor:pointer;height:34px;text-align:center;letter-spacing:1px;padding:4px 5px;color:#333;margin:10px 0px 0px 0px;}

Instead of that I wrote:
background-color:"the color I wanted"


Quote from: luisbls on September 26, 2012, 10:53:21 AM
Thanks a lot for your help, I thought that in this forum you were smart and you replied.

This is a peer support forum, so not only do you need to allow some time for people who visit every few days to reply. Remember that they give up their time to do this freely, but are less willing to reply to a question that has been asked and solved many times before and could be found by forum search.  eg:

I suggest that as well as changing the code in vmsite-ltr.css you should append the style declaration to your Joomla template css file. This will prevent the edit being overwritten by the next VirtueMart update.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


Maybe it was solved before, but these answers didn´t work for me, because I didn´t know exactly what to do. Like I said before I don´t know so much about all this, and it´s difficult for me.

Sorry, I thought that I explained it better. I´m trying with joomla because is easy, but when a person like me want to change something in a template is really frustrating.

Thanks for your reply. This forum really helps a lot, I didn´t mean to tell the contrary.