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Blank buttons, missing prices in the cart - please help :[

Started by propush, September 10, 2012, 17:38:11 PM

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Hello everyone!

I do hope this is the right forum. If not, please move thread.

I have installed virtuemart on my site, and I have the fallowing problems:
1. blank quantity buttons in the product details page.
2. blank quantity refresh button in the cart summery page.
3. prices of individual products not appearing in the cart page + the prices of shipping and payment gateway fee.

I do have rockettheme installed, BUT - I have disabled title construct, and the problem also happens if i change to some of the default templates.
I have played with the JS options in virtuemart back end - didn't help.

I only made cosmetic changes to virtuemart - no template overrides, no core editing.

Any help will be much appreciated, pictures linked. they are in Hebrew, but the missing parts are marked.

Joomla ver. 2.5.6
virtuemart ver. 2.0.10
php ver. 5.3.16

imaged links: attached.

[attachment cleanup by admin]


Hi propush,

I'd like to help you out, but it's a bit difficult to diagnose from a picture. Do you have a link perhaps?


Yes, sure I do!

I am sorry for the delayed answers - I was abroad :]

Here is the link, and thank you so much for this!

link to product page:

Site is in Hebrew, but it is the standard Virtuemart layouts - only CSS changes were made.

Thank you - and please say if you need further help.

*Important: prices only show for registered users (no price for anonymous group). If you need me to change this for the debugging - ill gladly do it.




Hi propush,

your default rtl.css file is blank.

If you use Firebug, you can see which class/style should be applied, but are missing... To get them back, just copy it from the ltr.css file (/components/com_virtuemart/assets/css/)

.vmicon, .vmiconFE{background:url(../images/vm2-sprite.png) no-repeat top left;}
.vm2-add_quantity_cart{background-position:0 0;width:24px;height:24px;border: 0px;cursor:pointer;}
.vm2-arrow_down{background-position:0 -72px;width:16px;height:16px;}
.vm2-billto-icon{background-position:0 -138px;height:24px;margin-right:6px;vertical-align:middle;width:24px;border :0px;}
.vm2-remove_from_cart{    background-position: 0 -212px; border: 0 none; cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; height: 24px; vertical-align: bottom; width: 24px;}
.vm2-shipto-icon{background-position:0 -284px;height:24px;margin-right:6px;vertical-align:middle;width:24px;}
.vm2-stars0{background-position:0 -358px;width:64px;height:13px;}
.vm2-stars1{background-position:0 -421px;width:64px;height:13px;}
.vm2-stars2{background-position:0 -484px;width:64px;height:13px;}
.vm2-stars3{background-position:0 -547px;width:64px;height:13px;}
.vm2-stars4{background-position:0 -610px;width:64px;height:13px;}
.vm2-stars5{background-position:0 -673px;width:64px;height:13px;}
.vm2-stars_0{background-position:0 -736px;width:64px;height:13px;}
.vm2-stars_1{background-position:0 -799px;width:64px;height:13px;}
.vm2-stars_2{background-position:0 -862px;width:64px;height:13px;}
.vm2-stars_3{background-position:0 -925px;width:64px;height:13px;}
.vm2-stars_4{background-position:0 -988px;width:64px;height:13px;}
.vm2-stars_5{background-position:0 -1051px;width:64px;height:13px;}
.vm2-lowstock{background-position:0 -1114px;width:62px;height:15px;display:block;}
.vm2-nostock{background-position:0 -1179px;width:62px;height:15px;display:block;}
.vm2-normalstock{background-position:0 -1244px;width:62px;height:15px;display:block;}
.vm2-termsofservice-icon{background-position:0 -1309px;height:24px;margin-right:6px;vertical-align:middle;width:24px;display:inline-block;}
.vm2-modallink{height:16px;margin-left: 3px;vertical-align:top;width:16px;display:inline-block; background: url("../images/icon_external_link.gif") no-repeat scroll left top transparent;}
.vm2-warning{background-position:0 -1383px;width:50px;height:40px;}

Start with these.


You sir, are a living god.

I copied what you gave to the rtl css (why is it empty? never mind ). It fixed some of the problems. then i just copied the entire LTR css into the RTL file, and it fixed all the buttons. I'll fix the cosmetics later, my CSS knowledge is up to par with a task like that.

I still have the product price in the cart problem - the price of the individual products is not listed. Total entry (product X amount, under the TOTAL column) price is listed, and final price is listed. - just the final one. Why do you think this is?

Thank you very much for your help. I suspected a CSS issue, but didn't remember changing anything - so i assumed it was fine.

Thanks again :]


Hi propush,

I was going off your screen grabs as it's really hard to navigate around your site.

Any chance you could highlight where your issues are.




The last remaining problem is highlited in the screenshot:
1. "item price" (red circle next to it - where the indevidual product price should appear) - they are not displayed
2. shipment price & payment fee - under the leftmost column (the TOTAL column) - those are not displayed.

Regarding #2: I tried to set the fees to 0, or to leave them blank - same result.

Thanks again ;]


Do you have it set to show in the config?

See attached image

[attachment cleanup by admin]


I had only final price checked, but I enabled all of them now - and it did not solve the problem :[



Those configurations were also wrong in the shopper group  - fixed it, and now individual product prices appear. No shipment and payment fee prices just yet, though.


I recall not even being able to select a shipment or payment method?

Do you have auto select Shipment/Payment enabled in the config.

Also are you sure you have the Shipment and Payment plugins configured correctly?


Yes, it is automatically selected.

I did not touch the settings in the plugins, can you guide me through it, or provide a link?

Thank again :]