How can I spread the additional image thumbnails across full width of page

Started by Wayne Farnworth, September 09, 2012, 14:29:09 PM

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Wayne Farnworth


I would like my additional image thumbnails to fill the full width of the page. At the moment they wrap around at half the width (see screenshot)

Can someone point me to the code that controls this please?

I have looked with Firebug but can't find it.

Many thanks


[attachment cleanup by admin]


Hi Wayne Farnworth,

That doesn't really help us either. There's many factors here. Do you have a URL?

Wayne Farnworth

Hello Ivus, thanks for the reply

URL is:

You will need to login under the Find Us menu

U: vmuser
P: vmuser

Then View Our Stock > Carpets > Twist Pile > Spectrum is the best example

Many thanks



Hi Wayne,

In your template file "/components/com_virtuemart/views/productdetails/tmpl/default.php" @ line 45

<div class="width50 floatleft">
echo $this->loadTemplate('images');


<div class="width50 floatleft"> ... this container div... remove the width50.. in fat you can safely remove the entire class.

And I found this in firebug.

I hope this helps you out.

Wayne Farnworth