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34 second load time when accessing Catagory Layout link...>78K products?????

Started by kittmaster, August 30, 2012, 15:10:38 PM

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I'm getting extremely long load times, firebug is saying like 1200+ queries which I can understand takes a long time.  How can I reduce the long load time?  It is unacceptable for my users to have to wait that long for the page to load.

I've tried pagenation, limiting front end products to be shown to 40, but still its very slow.  Same issue in the admin area, 30-40 load times.

How do I solve this?

I'm using PHP5 on the site globally had have no control over the version of 5 being used.  I believe its 5.2.17.

Any thoughts to fix this final issue I have???


You really need to get onto PHP 5.3+ if you are running Joomla 2.5. You're going to face a lot of extensions that aren't supporting PHP 5.2 any longer (including some of the "must have" ones like Akeeba).

That being said, I wonder if your hosting environment is simply not up to par for running this large of a store. If you have 78K items, I can't imagine why you would be on a shared hosting environment rather than a VPS or dedicated account where you would have control over the PHP version being used.

Once you have the site in a solid hosting situation, if it's still too slow then you will probably need a VM expert to help you tune it. There are things that can be done to optimize the IA and the queries.
~ Deb Cinkus, CEO
Polished Geek, LLC   |

Creators of JoomLister - eBay Lister for Joomla!


Well I did some poking around, and found out that my server has PHP Version 5.4.5 available, I changed .htaccess  to AddHandler x-mapp-php6 .php and holy crap everything flies!!!!

Guess I'm good to go, thanks for the nudge in the right direction.




Awesome!  And that's good for other folks to know, that a store with almost eighty thousand (80,000!) items can fly in VM2.  :)
~ Deb Cinkus, CEO
Polished Geek, LLC   |

Creators of JoomLister - eBay Lister for Joomla!


And of course something else pops up!!!

I'm not getting which I've never gotten before:

Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 11010048) (tried to allocate 342013 bytes) in /homepages/27/d100826730/htdocs/ on line 384

I've NEVER seen this error once in the last 5 weeks of getting this going, and only major change is 5.4.5........ugg.......



And to add, I've tried turning off caching, in joomla and in all the modules.......on or off no difference.........the error only seems to show up when in category view???


Ah, i had to adjsut the pagenation and the max products in front page around 60 max.....

Now I'm seeing errors when searching......LOL

Thoughts on that?