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URGENT: Still having major problems with VM2 Coupon usage

Started by melissabastow, August 12, 2012, 07:52:45 AM

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I am using VM 2.0.8e and Awocoupon.  I have used old versions of both and they got along super, but now?  NOT COOL.

If I enable store coupons and awocoupons two things happen - if a store coupon is used, the cart refreshes but doesn't apply the coupon.  If an awocoupon is used, major error messages and badness happens.

So then I turn the store coupon functionality off in awocoupon, and instead any time I input ANY coupon code the cart just refreshes without applying the discount. 

IT'S GETTING REALLY FRUSTRATING.  Does anyone know how to make coupons work?!