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No error message in user registration

Started by kratzi, August 03, 2012, 23:26:42 PM

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Hi all,

I am having an issue that no error is showing when someone wants to register but does not fill out one of the 4 fields marked. The registration process does not succeed however I would like to have an error saying that a field is missing.

However I get an error when fields for the billing informations are not filled out.

Thank you in advance for your help.



some problems in user registration...

- Doesnt need to check TOS box;
- User registration email with a link to sign/confirm valid email doesnt work too;
VM V. online: J2.5.14 | VM 2.0.20a | SQL 5.1.70 | PHP 5.3.25


Hi lipes,

as you can see in my picture above I have found a workaround in this forum how to show the customer the TOS. At least there is a direct link to the Terms so it is fine with me. I'm not sure if your are interested in such a soultion (I am not sure where I have found it) but you are search the forum or ask me again so I write it in here or over PM.

You are also right that it still doesnt work to confirm a valid e-mail. I also found a way around on the forum however it is not working for me. I guess I will not ask for confirming e-mails in my shop.

However if anyone has a solution for my problem showing the error message - I am waiting for your answer.



VM V. online: J2.5.14 | VM 2.0.20a | SQL 5.1.70 | PHP 5.3.25


Yes its the default template which I adjusted to my needs.



try to use joomla default template and even the default virtuemart template to test again if you'll the error msg.
also could be related from this:
but test first all default without any adjustment.
Then If you got the same problem then we'll need to wait the Help from any Hero Member or Developer that solve our problems related with the User Registration ...

by the way.. I am not talking about the "direct link to the Terms" like you write.
I am saying that if you dont check the Terms of Service box-> Leave that Empty check box ... You can do the User Registration!
In my opinion this is a problem because we'll need a "error message in user registration" too....
VM V. online: J2.5.14 | VM 2.0.20a | SQL 5.1.70 | PHP 5.3.25


Hi lipes,

thank you for your help. My problem was really related to the link you wrote.

I even didnt realise yet you can register without accepting the TOS. So I started playing arround and found out you can register without a password even though password is defined as necessary in the back-end adjustments.

I thought it would be my issue or maybe even Joomla like the system-message error I had but no. Even in the Virtuemart extension shop registration you can register without a password.

For all who might be interested in how to hide the info which is totally useless for a shopper and looks ugly.

When you open the edit_vmshopper.php in the folder "user" you find the code for the info. You can not delete the code but you can put a div around it with style="display:none"

