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Hide price on detail page

Started by ziboul, July 12, 2012, 11:36:09 AM

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i'm searching a solution to hide the price in the detail product page.
As now the price is displayed over the image with the mention "HT" instead of "TTC".
The better shoulld be to place the text under the image with "TTC".
This is the chain i would like to hide (or to modify an positionned) but can't find it in any file of the component.

    <strong>Prix unitaire HT</strong><div class="PricesalesPrice" style="display : block;"><span class="PricesalesPrice">450,00 €</span></div>

Thanks by advance.



I've sold one of my issue ; in the default.php file i've modified

<div class="width50 bottom right">
       <div class="spacer-buy-area">

But now still remains the legend "Prix unitaire HT". In the configuration panel only TTC is cheked.

where can i change this legend plz ?


JOOMLA 2.5 and VM 2


for the second issue the legend to modify was in the .ini language file.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

hope this could help.
