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How to Move the product description to right side of product image.

Started by Komputermanz, June 09, 2012, 20:12:16 PM

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hello friends,

i am very newbie about virtuemart,

i have spent many days to solve it but i cant, need your help.  :(

please look this first :

1.  what can i do to change add to cart button to external link ? (not to cart, but to my artikel link).

2. how can i move the product description below the product image to right side below the add to cart button?

Note : i am using virtuemart 2.0.6 version

need your help, thanks you .  :(


I don't know about the first issue but the second is rather easy.
Go to templates/YOURTEMPLATE/com_virtuemart/productdetails/default.php and go to line 265
and bring this <?php
// Product Description
if (!empty($this->product->product_desc)) {

        <div class="product-description">
<?php /** @todo Test if content plugins modify the product description */ ?>
    <span class="title"><?php echo JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_PRODUCT_DESC_TITLE'?></span>
<?php echo $this->product->product_desc; }?>

a bit about line 228, and paste it under
// Availability Image
/* TO DO add width and height to the image */
if (!empty($this->product->product_availability)) {
    $stockhandle VmConfig::get('stockhandle''none');
    if ($stockhandle == 'risetime' and ($this->product->product_in_stock $this->product->product_ordered) < 1) {
<div class="availability">
    <?php echo JHTML::image(JURI::root() . VmConfig::get('assets_general_path') . 'images/availability/' VmConfig::get('rised_availability''7d.gif'), VmConfig::get('rised_availability''7d.gif'), array('class' => 'availability')); ?>
    <?php } else {

<div class="availability">
<?php echo JHTML::image(JURI::root() . VmConfig::get('assets_general_path') . 'images/availability/' $this->product->product_availability$this->product->product_availability, array('class' => 'availability')); ?>

Let me know if this helped.