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Tax Discount Column in Cart?

Started by GooRu, May 26, 2012, 18:14:14 PM

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In my cart I have a column called TaxDiscount I'd rather have it say TAX instead, where can I control this?   
Joomla Web Development, Hosting and site management


Hi i don't think that there is "TaxDiscount" Colum, they are both seperate colums "Tax and Discount" because the layout of the template isn't very well written they appear like one... i have the same problem and i'm currently looking into it.
VM 2.0.10 J 2.5.7


did anyone find a solution for this. I too have the same problem with  cart showing TAxDiscount

Can anyone help advise on how to  fix this?


in default_showprices.php in your productdetails folder you can set the width of your td elements.