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Does VirtueMart cover my needs?

Started by gkar, May 10, 2012, 21:00:47 PM

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We are currently building a deal aggregator website. It collects deals from deal shops and present them in all in one website. Each deal has the following detais: A photo, a short description, a long description, initial price, final price (discounted) and the url of the deal website. The ordering checkout process is done in the deal website, we dont take care of signup/login/checkout/payment etc. So, what actually we do is: Every two hours we run a script that collects deals from deal websites. We add all information to the database. The picture is not downloaded, we just use the picture URL provided by the website. We present all the deals in a product-catalog like template with a photo, price and description. Every time user clicks "buy" we redirect user to the original deal website. Also, deals are categorized in three level categories:
   2) SERVICE 2nd root: BEAUTY / DANCE / LESSONS ... etc etc
       3) BEAUTY 3rd root: MANICURE / SPA / HAIR / ... etc etc
All products have expiration date, means they expire in X date. After that, it has to be removed from the website frontend.

I need to know if VirtueMart system allows us to implement all the above (custom fields, no product zoom, external pictures, expiration etc).
Please advise me.

Thank you


What you ask is not possible with VirtueMart without considerable rewriting of code. It may be "easier" to write your application from scratch.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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