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Authorize.Net SIM Plugin for merchants without an SSL Certificate

Started by ssc3, October 10, 2012, 23:50:42 PM

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SIM is an alternative to Virtuemart's Authorize.Net AIM integration.

It provides a customizable, secure payment form hosted by Authorize.Net for merchants who do not have an SSL certificate and their own secure server.

Virtuemart Net SIM Features.

  • You do not require an additional secure server for your order form
  • Supports multi-currency, US Dollars, Canadian Dollars, British Pounds and Euros
  • Credit card details are entered directly on order forms hosted by Authorize.Net's own PCI-compliant servers
  • Full item details are sent to and are stored in your Authorize.Net Account
  • Supports the Akamai Network for improved relibility of data connections.

You can find more details and instructions at (Version 1.3.3 21 July 2015)

Customer Order Form

Customer Receipt Page

Merchant Configuration Screen

Order Details stored in Authorize.Net Account

Virtuemart Payment Plugins



The plugin is a commercial one, but there is a free working demo to download and try first.
Virtuemart Payment Plugins


the demo is only for testing? does it stop working at some point? how much does the commercial plugin cost?


Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


Does anyone know how to ensure the SIM plugin is sending back a direct response to my VM? Orders are remaining pending even after purchase.  Also, cancelled or abandoned carts are still remaining pending.
Do I need to enter a direct or silent response url thru If so, any idea what it is or where I can find it?

Thanks in advance,
Scott  ;D



Silent Post URL

which you can find by logging in to your Authorize.Net account should be set to something like

the first part of the URL is your website and the folder containing Virtuemart and so is different for every merchant

the second part is the same for every merchant


copy this to the Silent Post URL section of your Authorize.Net account and click submit.

Authorize.Net Account

For initial testing

Set Enable MD5 Hash verification in the Virtuemart Administration to false

this will make any problems easier to find

When you are sure everything else is working correctly, set this to true.

The value you set in the Virtuemart Administration must match the one you set in your account at Authorize.Net

Virtuemart Administration

Authorize.Net Account

Virtuemart Payment Plugins


Released Version 1.0.3 which allows the setting of an alternative post or endpoint URL for Authorize.Net compatible payment providers.
Virtuemart Payment Plugins


Version 1.0.6 uses Authorize.Net SIM's Relay Response feature to provide an automatic return to Virtuemart after a successful order.

This replaces the silent post URL using in previous versions. Silent post updated Virtuemart but did not provide an automatic return.

Virtuemart's plugin configuration page, calculates the correct "Relay Response URL" for the merchant to copy to their Authorize.Net account setup

Virtuemart Payment Plugins


(Version 1.0.9 11 November 2013)
Authorize.Net SIM now supports Canadian Dollars, Euros and British Pounds in addition to US Dollars

(Version 1.0.10 20 November 2013)
Fixes possible issue caused by Virtuemart setting "Status Pending" to "Confirmed by Shopper" in the initital set up of the plugin.

Version 1.3.0 - 30 October2014
Updated for VM2 and VM3 with Joomla 2.5 and 3.x

Version 1.3.2 - 09 December 2014
adds a faster checkout option.

Virtuemart Payment Plugins


Version 1.3.3 - 21 July 2015
Updates for linking to Authorize.Net using the Akamai network. This is to enable faster and more reliable connections for processing payments.
Virtuemart Payment Plugins


Hello I have installed Authorize.Net SIM Version 1.3.6 on VirtueMart 3.0.18 / Joomla! 3.6.3

After meticulously setting all the parameters, and tested it, I noticed that even if the translation take place successfully and the user receive the receipt from Authorize.Net SIM, there is NOT email confirmation order coming from VM.

The order result is "confirmed" in VM but no notifications are sent.

I tried to contact the vendor of the plugin here:
and here:, but so far no response.

Without notification from VM  this payment system is not useful.

Anyone know why I do not receive notifications via email?
Any help is appreciated.

ps. with other payment system I do receive notifications.


Sent a reply to your gmail account earlier. Check your spam folder or pm me if it is not there.

Does the Relay Response URL which can you find in your Virtuemart setup, match the value set up in your Authorize.Net account.
Have got
"Enable Relay Response"
set to
in Virtuemart Plugin Setup.

Have you copied the
Relay Response URL
from the Plugin Setup to your Authorize Net Account.
Virtuemart Payment Plugins


Yes I did enable the "Relay Response" in the plugin and then I copied and pasted the given URL into website under Default Relay Response URL.

In fact after the transaction it goes to my website receipt page.

The problem is that I (MERCHANT) do not receive any confirmation email from VM neither the Customer.


In Virtuemart

Click on

Configuration->Checkout->Default Order Status to send email to shopper

Is the confirmed option set.

Reply sent to your gmail account. May be in spam folder.

Virtuemart Payment Plugins