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Payment method information per language

Started by lindapowers, March 15, 2013, 00:43:47 AM

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Just notice when translating the payment method information for "bank transfer" (standard payment) that every language uses the same payment information.

Is this normal?



Which 'payment information' do you mean exactly - the 'Payment Description'?
Check if your payment description is stored correctly up in your _virtuemart_paymentmethods_xx_xx (xx = language tags) database tables.
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?



Sorry, not the payment description, I mean the payment information (that is what is called in the spanish translation) in the configuration tab of a payment method.


If you mean the text string your arrow is pointing to - that depends on your selected default administrator language. But I suppose you are talking of the description text you entered into the (highlighted yellow) text box to the right. For this you can try what I described here:

Basically you would enter a language key into the description field and add your text into a language file override.

I didn't test it yet with the payment information field, but it should work.
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


thanks jjk and yes I'm speaking about the highlighted yellow text on the right of the image.

Thanks I will test and let you know if it works,

I hope they make these process a bit more simple cause it makes no sense at all having to do all that with language files to obtain translations of fields that should be easily translated from the backend.

They did the same for the order status and the shopper fields. This is a big issue for multilingual websites.

Updating language files also becomes imposible unless you use language overrides and as a translator I can't solve this cause this are personal settings for our payments which should never be written in a language file.



Hi jjk

I have followed your tutorial but can't translate it:

I created the language key COM_VIRTUEMART_PAYMENT_INFO which I write in the payment information (right side of the image)

Then I created language overrides for both backend and frontend to test but the webpage and emails just show:


I even tried adding that string to the language file but has no effect.



The language key is in the language file of the plugin BE/en-GB.plg_vmpayment_standard.ini for example

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Hi Max

That is the language key for the phrase "payment info" im speaking about the actual description. the block in the right of my image.



Heya Manu (and everyone else)!

Has anyone come up with a satisfying solution yet? I have the same problem, the language override won't work for me either...

Virtuemart 2.6.10
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