Need cart dropdowns to show the full prices in and not the default, +10.00, etc.

Started by daviat, October 07, 2013, 21:56:09 PM

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Hi . . .

My client wants the pricing in the dropdowns to show the full prices and not the default, +10.00 or -10.00. Can that be done? She has different colors and sizes that are different prices that I have set up in the cart variants in the price drop downs. Can there be only a final price instead of =10.00 etc? Is there a way to do that?



Is this something that can be done with Virtuemart? In the cart variant I need the full proces to show and not the + or - totals.


Maxim Pishnyak

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Can you give me a hint on where to find it? I used the search but not finding it.



@Maxim Pishnyak

did you actually ever gave a solution or do you just post the usual "use search, your version is outdated, etc."?

your behaviour as moderator is most disappointing, you´re not helpfull at all


Your statement is even less helpful.

Quoteyour behaviour as moderator is most disappointing, you´re not helpfull at all

Maxim helps where he can and points others to review existing answers on the forum.

In this case Maxim did not ask for version etc. Even though every post that is asking for a solution or stating a problem should really have such information provided.

This is a free forum for a free product, most moderators and helpers give their time freely and the statement "you´re not helpfull at all" should be reserved for the posters that fail to spend the time searching for solutions or, that believe an open source system should perform exactly how they want at no cost to themselves.

My mini rant is over

Joomla 4.4.5
php 8.1


I did perform a search but perhaps I am not getting the proper keywords. Any help in helping me find that post you be great. :)


Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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