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New plugin development

Started by darkmorning, June 20, 2013, 15:03:05 PM

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My cart is now at a point where I view the different payment methods and mine is not showing, others are. Is it to do with the problems I am having with the conversion from paypal.php  to mine and setting the  $varsToPush, they are stored in the payment_params field in the #_virtuemart_paymentmethod aren't they?

Would this affect my payment method not being able to be selected when I submit the shopping cart? At the moment I can't work out even with debugging and stepping through the code why I can't save these parameters.

Thanks   :'(


Have you setup the plugin and is it shown as a payment method in the backend?

Joomla 4.4.5
php 8.1



Thanks for all the help I have received.

I need to trigger my own class on the payment response for all the payment types in Virtuemart, where would be a good place to call my script?

In the Virtuemart pluginresponse view or controller?

Thank you


I hope someone can help you, way above my knowledge!

Joomla 4.4.5
php 8.1


Thanks for your help, I am learning all the time and beginning to work some things out for myself, hopefully it will the correct way, if not as the saying goes you learn from your mistakes

:) :)