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How to Make CSV update/replace product info completely

Started by mfuller526, June 04, 2013, 04:39:55 AM

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I have double prices in some of my products I would like to correct it by modifying > importing a CSV file in Excel. However, even though I delete the bad row and import the products the problem is only corrected if I modify each product in VM which takes forever. Overwrite is yes. How do I make the import replace the product completely? Screenshots attached. Thanks!

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Joomla! 2.5.28, PHP 5.4.36,  MoWebSo3.2.19


Removing rows from a CSV file leaves you with the rows you will affect.

You need to delete the other rows (but you have removed them from the file!)

So if all the prices are in your excel file you could drop the price rows in the pricing table and re-import the prices in the CSV file.

Make sure you do this using test data first!!

HEDISQL is a lovely tool for looking and practiscing with MYSQL databases and it is donation ware  I use it all the time


Joomla 4.4.5
php 8.1


Where are you saying to drop the rows in the pricing table? The database using PHPmyAdmin? Please be specific. Again, i removed the bad rows from the CSV but after reimporting the duplicates were still there. Thanks for writing.
Joomla! 2.5.28, PHP 5.4.36,  MoWebSo3.2.19


If you do not know much about databases and managing them using MYSQL then this might not be such a good idea.

the prices are stored in table  nnn_virtuemart_product_prices

Just reapplying a csv file to the table will NOT remove rows it will just adjust fields for rows in the CSV file.

What are you using to do the import (CSVI)

Joomla 4.4.5
php 8.1


Yes. CSVI 4.5.4.

Problem solved: backup store database > within Joomla database, select table nnn_vm_product_prices > browse > click to sort by virtuemart_product_id > check/select duplicates > delete. Thanks again!!!
Joomla! 2.5.28, PHP 5.4.36,  MoWebSo3.2.19