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Checkout fails to redirect to PayPal

Started by mintberrycrunch, March 02, 2013, 20:35:18 PM

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I read the thread at but realized it doesn't apply since I'm using a newer version. 

VirtueMart 2.1.18a
Joomla 2.5
PHP 5.3.21

This site was recently upgraded (still doing visual tweaks!) from Joomla 1.5 and VM 1.25.  Everything else works fine.  PayPal is the only payment method configured.  Because of the recent upgrade, I don't negate the possibility that something else might be awry. 

Link to the site: []

Steps to duplicate: Add any product to cart > Checkout as guest > Click "Confirm Order" > Instead of redirecting to Paypal checkout screen, the page merely refreshes. 

Assistance on this would be IMMENSELY appreciated! 

Thank you.


Has anyone else experienced this issue?  Please?

Edit: The issue in the sticky is NOT my issue.  My issue is that the page does not redirect at all to PayPal's checkout as it did seamlessly in the old version. 

Also, in there exists a link to the "cart upload" tutorial, listed at  I am unclear as to whether this is even relevant and, if it is, how it might be applied. 



Do you have this line included in your template ?
<jdoc:include type="message" />
If not, include that line.
If there is an error message, it will be displayed.

If that line is not included, then the error message is not displayed, and you have the impression that the checkout is not working.


THANK YOU, Alatak! 

The error message says: "Couldn't create order     No order created"

What should I check on?


log in on the front end as an administrator, you will have a more explicit error message telling you why it could not create an order.


I got the error message:

"vmError: VmTable #__virtuemart_vendors_en_gb Check not passed. Neither slug nor obligatory
value at vendor_store_name for auto slug creation is given"

I searched that error message and found the solution on

The problem was that one or more tables needed to be updated still.  I was not aware of this, but by following the instructions in the link above, I was able to resolve the issue.  For reference, if anyone else has this issue in the future, the instructions I followed were:

Go to tools-> Tools and migration -> Install or if necessary update tables